I'm going off the beaten path today because this is one of the most important things I use in my home. I have made it for friends and they swear by it. It isn't a pin on my Pinterest page because for some reason, I can't pin from this website. I wish I could because I really think that it would be one of the top pins EVER on Pinterest.
Almost no one that I know gets enough deep, quality sleep. For the longest, I was among those people. No longer.Without taking ANY prescription sleep aids, I am sleeping longer and better. And so is Connor. Those of you who know me in person know that Connor was a HORRIBLE sleeper. Awful. I spent many days in tears because I was so darn exhausted. As a last ditch effort I tried essential oils. I thought they were a cool idea and that they could be good for cleaning but I wasn't that into them. This blend changed our lives.
Here is the link to the article I used to create the blend. It was exceptionally easy and with the exception of the chamomile oil, all of the essential oils are really reasonably priced. Eden's Garden has really great quality oils that won't kill your bank account. Plus, they donate 10% of their profits to a different cause each month. I love that.

Insomnia Blend:
5 drops of Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
2 drops Clary Sage Essential Oil
2 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
Mix all EO's in a carrier oil (grapeseed, jojoba, olive, coconut, etc) and apply to base and nape of neck and temples before bedtime. I use about 3 drops between Connor and myself.
This recipe will make 30 mL or 6 teaspoons of insomnia oil. The dilution is 1% because we use it pretty regularly. If you plan on using it occasionally, you'll have the option to increase the dilution to up to 5%. Here is a fantastic chart explaining dilution: Nourishing Treasures is a website run by a certified aromatherapist, she's awesome!
Store in a dark glass bottle for best results. Nature's Gift is an amazing source for essential oils as is Essential Oil Exchange. They are my two favorites for oils. Bottles can be found on Amazon or on Specialty Bottle's website.
If you don't care for the scent of chamomile, you can cut down on the amount of it in the recipe. I made up a batch with 5 drops of chamomile and added 5 drops of lavender in place of the rest of the chamomile. The scent was much milder and less medicinal. I know the AromaWeb site suggests not using that much lavender but I love the scent and it really helps me with relaxation. It worked just as well as the original recipe for us!
Do you have any essential oil blends for sleep? Or have you tried my blend and loved it? Let's chat about it!
Omg. I use this blend and it is like Coma in a Bottle. I love the smell and it gives me a deep sleep that doesn't feel like I've been on a 2 week long bender. I really really love it! Thank you for sharing your recipe!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHave you tried it on the boys yet? If so, how does it work for them?