Here goes nothing!
Today's word is song. I love music. LOVE music. It has gotten me through hard times, lifted me up when I'm blue, and provided a soundtrack to some wonderful and amazing moments. I wish I could say I have a favorite song. I don't. There are so many songs out there that move me. Some classical, some chick rock, some blues. There is no one song that defines me.
Both boys love music intensely and their favorite songs right now are Adele's "Rumor Has It" and most anything Beatles. It is amazing to watch them already relate their feelings to music and find themselves in particular songs. I would imagine right now it's more the sound and less the words.. They're only 4 and almost 2.
Jonathan and I have a song.. It sounds cheesy but it is Etta James' "At Last". We used to sit in his apartment talking all night and listening to blues, he chose that song for us. It was sweet and kind and true. It made me love him all the more. We have another song, when things aren't great.. Patty Griffin's "When it Don't Come Easy". It is absolutely what brings us even closer together.
Okay, so that was 6 minutes. But now you know a bit more about me! If you want to join in the fun, click either of the links to 5 minute Friday and come play!
Wonderful that you have a song that brings you closer together. Have a great weekend :)